Understanding fonts

Understanding fonts

Konect symbol fonts are described in SVG (scaler vector graphics) font definitions.

To add your own fonts to the symbol library, copy your SVG files to the Fonts subfolder of the Konect folder.

On a 64-bit computer, Konect is typically installed in the folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Global GBM\Konect

and on a 32-bit computer Konect is typically installed in the folder:

C:\Program Files\Global GBM\Konect

Thus, fonts should be placed in the folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Global GBM\Konect\Fonts


C:\Program Files\Global GBM\Konect\Fonts


The default set of Konect Manager fonts are not stored in the Fonts folder and thus the Fonts folder may be missing and may need to be created. Note that Administrator privileges may be required to create the Fonts folder and/or to copy the SVG files into the Fonts folder.

There are several ways to obtain an SVG font definition. A number of websites sell SVG fonts or allow users to create SVG fonts using free-to-use font libraries. Please see the following:




If your organisation already has TTF (true type fonts),  Webify (free to use) can translate them to an SVG font.


Lastly, graphics tools such as Inkscape (free to use) can create SVG fonts from scratch.


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