Version 4.00
The following table lists the new features, bug fixes and known faults for Version 4.00 01 of Konect.
New Features |
Affects | Description | Details | Reference |
Konect Manager Konect App |
Konect App is now available for Windows 10
Konect App is now available for devices running on Windows 10. Previously Konect App ran only on iOS and Android devices. It should be noted that in referencing Windows 10, we are only referring to the Windows 10 and Windows 10 Mobile operating systems and not Windows Phone which has been phased out. The Konect App can be downloaded from the Windows Store - it is best to search for "Windows Store Konect" in your browser and link from an appropriate search result.
Konect App
Changed user interface and form navigation
The user interface has been modified to make the interaction with datasets in relationships more intuitive. The most significant change is that when a record is saved, control is returned to the 'Related Items' tab (previously referred to as the 'Child Records' tab) allowing another related record to be chosen or created.
Konect Manager
List Management - changed naming convention for list components
The header names have been changed when lists are displayed in the List Editor (Catalogue > Lists) and the Form Editor (Catalogue > Datasets). This name change better reflects the usage:
- Unique Value (previously called Value) - the value used by Konect to manage lists and it must be unique for lists to work correctly. It should NOT be used for other database processes.
- Display Value (previously called Alias) - the value presented to the user when using a form. The Unique Value and Display Value can be the same.
Konect Manager
List Management - items in child lists are now displayed with their associated parent list value
Whenever the list items of a child list are displayed in Konect Manager, the 'Parent Unique Value' of the child list item is also displayed in addition to the 'Unique Value' and 'Display Value' .
The three values are displayed for child list interactions in the list editor (Catalogue > Lists) or in the form builder (Catalogue > Datasets). This allows recognition of missing or non-unique parent values when importing lists from CSV files.
Konect Manager
List Management - introduction of a list export function
To facilitate editing of existing list values, particularly for parented lists, lists can be exported from Konect Manager to CSV files. This applies to parent and child lists. The exported CSV files can be edited and then re-imported to update the list or create a new list. The exported CSV contains a header row that will be recognised and accepted during re-import.
- For a parent list, two fields are exported - 'UniqueValue' and 'DisplayValue'
- For a child list, three fields are exported - 'ParentUniqueValue', UniqueValue' and 'DisplayValue'.
Konect Manager
List Management - introduction of a list import function that allows overwriting an existing list
There are now two import options when importing a list from a CSV file - 'Create a new list' or 'Overwrite an existing list'. In previous versions when a child list required editing the list had to be deleted (Catalogue > Lists). On re-import the list then must be re-attached to all required fields in all required Datasets.
The new overwrite on import option means that a list can be updated while it is in place. This means that lists do not require re-attachment to List fields.
Caution: Some issues with the 'Overwrite List' function are known as at release date. It is recommended that if lists with Parent-Child relationships require updating, then overwriting existing lists should only be done if 'DisplayValues' are to be updated. If lists in parent-child relationships require 'Unique Values' to be updated, it is recommended that all lists in the relationship are exported, edited, validated, re-imported and then re-attached to the relevant fields in any affected datasets.
KO-204 KO-333 KO-335
Konect Manger
Complex visibility rules for a field
Visibility rules for a field now allow the selection of multiple list values across multiple fields in a Dataset. For example - (Asset Type = "Bridge" OR "Culvert") AND (Priority = "Urgent" OR "Very High" OR "High").
Konect Manager
Data can be included in KPK export files
When a project is exported to a KPK file, the data in the project's datasets can optionally be included in the KPK file. Correspondingly, when the KPK is imported into another account, the data in the datasets is also imported.
This facility gives users a way to duplicate Projects or Datasets and share or move them between users. For example "User A" can give "User B" a project which is imported into the "User B" account. "User B" can then add or edit data within the Project which can subsequently be exported to a KPK file and given back to "User A" who can then import it and update the original project.
Konect Manager
Additional example Projects (KPK packages)
Additional package templates have been added to the package library. Konect Manager provides access to example project packages that contain complete workflows including dataset definitions, forms, lists and project definitions.
The packages can be used as a template for workflows or they can be modified and enhanced to better reflect your own processes.
Konect Manager
Project Information button and Save Location button added to the Projects definition screen
Two additional features have been added to the Project building window (Catalogue > Projects). There are now three buttons on the status bar at the bottom of the window:
- Home - returns the project to its default (saved) map location and zoom level
- Project Information - presents a detailed summary of all Datasets in the Project allowing the user to quickly validate any component of the project
- Save Location - allows changes to the map home location and default zoom level to be saved. Previously users had to interact with the Dataset listing to enable the Save button.
Bug Fixes
New Behaviour
Konect Manager Konect App
Field Visibility Rules based on Time, Date and Datetime fields do not work
Visibility rules for fields can now be based on Time, Date and Datetime fields and the visibility rule for a given field can have any number of conditions.
Konect Manager Konect App
Numeric fields lose their value when the user clicks into another field
When a number is entered into a number field using the keyboard, the value is retained when another field is subsequently selected. Previously the value would be replaced by zero.
KO-302 KO-255 KS-88
Konect Manager
Default values for numeric fields can be out of limits
If a numeric field (whole number or decimal number) is allocated a default value AND there are limits on the value of the field, then the default value must lie within those limits. If limits have been set, the form cannot be saved until the default value is within limits.
Konect Manager
When a KPK file containing a dataset with a query is imported into Konect Manager, the import fails
Konect Manager now imports datasets that contain queries.
Konect Manager
Konect Manager fails to flag repeated unique values when importing a CSV file into a list
Konect Manager now flags an error when an attempt is made to import a CSV file into a list where the unique values in the file are not unique.
Konect Manager
Konect Manager fails to flag a non-existent parent item when importing a child list from a CSV file
Konect Manager now flags an error when an attempt is made to import a child list with missing parent values.
Konect Manager
Konect Manager crashes when exporting a dataset whose name contains an illegal filename character such as '>' or '<'
When exporting datasets that contain illegal filename characters (eg '>', '<' ) in the dataset name, the illegal characters are now ignored.
Known Faults
Last saved values | There is a new setting for a field called 'Use last saved value'. This setting allows for new records on the client device to automatically inherit the previously entered value for a field. This feature enhances productivity when the values of most fields in a record do not change in new records. | KO-272 | |
Konect App | Default values applied to existing records | If an existing record has a default value defined for a field and that field is null or empty (this can happen from imports or hidden fields + variants), the default value is applied to that field when the form is opened. A list of which fields had been modified is displayed at the top of the form. | KO-384 |
Bug Fixes | |||
Affects | Issue | New Behaviour | Reference |
Konect Manager | Numeric list fields are no longer supported | The numeric fields 'whole number' and 'number' can no longer have a list associated with them as such lists caused queries to fail. Existing forms with numeric list fields will continue to function as before. When such forms are accessed in the Konect Manager forms editor, a dialogue box asks the user whether they want to convert the numeric list field to a text list field. If the user selects 'No' the form will not be changed. If the user selects 'Yes', the field will be changed to a text list field. In this case it is recommended that the dataset be exported to a CSV file and then imported to ensure that all the data in the field is textual and not numeric. Only the affected field needs to be exported in the dataset. | KO-400 |
Konect Manager | User agent added to Konect Manager | Some customers' firewalls require user agents in web requests to allow the request to proceed. Konect Manager now provides a user agent. | KO-393 |
Konect Manager Konect App | Copy value fields missing data | Further work has been done to prevent this happening. | KO-389 |
Konect App | Selection fields not honoured when child form is linked to parent form by 'Draw geometry' | The first two fields in the parent form were shown as the selection fields, not the nominated fields. | KO-390 |
Konect Manager | Fields in a variant form disappear after a field that has a visibility rule | Form variants now show all their fields, irrespective of any visibility rules. | KO-385 |
Konect App | Parent list item with no child list items causes other fields to fail | When an item in a parent list field did not have any children in its child list field, other fields in the form misbehaved. This situation is now better handled and the child field will display 'Could not find child list, talk to administrator'. | KO-379 |
Konect Manager | No proper validity checks when overwriting parent/child lists via importation | Checks are now made when overwriting parent or child lists. Every list item in a parent list must have at least one child item in all associated child lists and every list item in a child list must have at least one item in all associated parent lists. | KO-335 KO-333 |
Konect Manager | Exported list field display values have '_Alias' appended to the column header | When the display value of a list field is exported, the column header now has '_Display_Value' appended to it. | KO-298 |
Known Faults | |||
Affects | Issue | Required Behaviour | Reference |
Konect App | 'Limits' settings applied to numeric fields do not work correctly:
| All issues to be rectified. | KO-194 |
Konect App | Keyboard covers bottom of image during text annotation on iOS devices | While a text annotation is being added to the bottom of a photo on an iOS device, the keyboard covers the text annotation and the user can't see what they have written until they save the edit. | KO-244 |
Konect App | Incorrect value when second summary field is a photo field | If a summary field is a photo field, long sets of characters are inserted into the summary area rather than the number of photos. To avoid this fault do not use photo fields as summary fields. | KO-299 |
Konect Manager Konect App | Default list value behaviour does not occur when a field is made visible | When a list field has a visibility rule applied it should have the following behaviours:
| KO-350 KS-143 |
Konect Manager | Map labels based on List fields display the list item's unique value rather than the display value | The list item's display value should be presented as the label. | KO-157 |
Konect Manager | Datepicker control shows a default time of 10 am | The default time should display as 0:00 | KO-177 |
Konect Manager | Catalogue > Datasets > Data/Queries Changing the Zoom Visibility values do not apply until the settings are saved using the 'Save location and visibility' button | Changing the Minimum or Maximum zoom values should apply immediately so that the settings can be tested without needing to save. | KO-178 |
Konect Manager
A temporary work around to this issue is to first enter a positive number, delete it and then enter the negative value.
Konect Manager | Mouse does not detach from the scrollbar after navigating through a form and attempting to edit a new field in the form | The mouse should detach from the scrollbar after scrolling and allow selection of the required data entry field in the form. | KO-231 |
Konect Manager | When panning (left click hold) on map screens, the mouse remains in pan mode if the panning action is taken beyond the edge of the window | If the left mouse button is released, panning mode should be disabled irrespective of when the mouse button is released ie inside or outside the map window. | KO-249 |
Konect Manager
Konect Manager |
Konect Manager
Edits to an existing parent list with dependent child lists breaks the relationships in the dataset form | When editing an existing Parent List with a dependent child list/s (Catalogue > Lists), new values can be added or existing 'Unique Values' edited and saved. This will break the parent-child relationship in the form - the child list related to the default parent list value is always displayed irrespective of the parent value chosen. The user should not be able to edit a Parent List with dependent Children. A warning message informing the user should be displayed. | KO-286 |
Konect Manager | Incorrect error message when photo import can't locate a photo file | When importing photos, Konect Manager looks for photo files in the same folder as the CSV file and in a subfolder called 'Photos'. If a particular photo file can't be found, there is no indication to the user as to what the problem is. The error message simply says that there was an upload failure. | KO-288 |
Konect Manager
Exported list field display values have '_Alias' appended to the column header
When the display value of a list field is exported, the column header has '_Alias' appended to it. This has to be changed to '_Display_Value'.
Konect Manager
Importing a KPK file does not update lists
When a KPK file is imported in order to update an existing project, changes in lists are not honoured.
Konect Manager |
Attempting to import a list with an incorrect number of columns fails but does not report what the issue is
No |
- Two column format is recognised as a potential Parent List
- Three column format is recognised as a potential Child List
Konect Manager
warning about losing changes when setting default for a Date field or a Numeric field | The user is not prompted to save the dataset following either of the following:
KO-366 |
Konect Manager | Default value for numeric fields can't be updated | When setting a Default value for a numeric field, if the default value is entered and then the form is saved immediately, it is not possible to enter and save a new default value unless you click outside the value entry box before saving the form. | KO-370 |
KO-388 | |||
Konect Manager | Editing list items in the Forms Editor breaks parent/child list relationships | The validity of parent-child list relationships is not done when lists are edited in the Forms Editor or in the Catalogue/Lists are. Editing display values is okay but any edits/additions/deletes on unique values in parent/child lists should only be done by importing and overwriting lists from edited CSV files. | KO-381 KO-382 |
Konect App | When a form is opened it doesn't scroll to the top of the form | This happens in the following way:
| KO-387 |
Konect Manager | Linking a child dataset/form to a parent/dataset form does not create the system fields 'Parent Id' and 'Parent Table' | Consider the following scenario: 1. Two non-Konect TAB files are imported into Konect by Konect Manager. One TAB file contains parent data and the other TAB file contains child data. | KO-401 |
Konect Manager | Fails to export all the photos in a dataset | Exporting a dataset that contains many photos (over 1,000) results in an inconsistent number of photos being exported. | KO-402 |